There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes!
Get dressed in your winter woollies, grab your family and friends and get outside with these fun new activities for the wet and windy weather.
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Things to do in Winter
1. Make a mobile mud pit in a wheelbarrow or bucket
2. Wear a raincoat and gumboots and stamp in the biggest, wettest puddles you can find
3. Make a bonfire with an adult and cook damper on a stick
4. Sketch a tree that has lost its leaves and then decorate it
5. Make bubbles outside and see if it’s cold enough for them to turn to ice
6. Melt a snowball and see how much water it holds
7. Listen to the local weather and go outside to experience rain, snow or the wind
8. Have a cubby building competition with your friends
9. Make a birdfeeder to hang in your backyard and watch who comes to visit
10. Go on a winter picnic (take a thermos of hot chocolate or hot soup…yum!!)
11. Collect pine cones and decorate them
12. Grab a plastic bag and slide down a grassy, wet hill
13. Wrap up in a big blanket and go out at night to see the stars
14. Go on a nature walk and look for animal tracks
15. Make a rain gauge so you can measure the rain in your backyard
16. Pretend you’re a modern day explorer and go on a photo taking expedition outside
17. Make a snow sculpture (use blocks of ice if there’s no snow)
18. Go on a walk and count how many snails you find
19. Watch a spider spin it’s web
20. Spend the entire day outside, no matter the weather, and see how many things you can do