12 Simple Things To Do With Your Baby In Nature

Babies love to spend time in nature, feeling the wind in their hair, sun on their skin (just a little bit!) and watching leaves move in the breeze!

Mother Nature Bubs Playgroup
  1. Simply lying under a tree watching the leaves blow in the wind provides better stimulation than any ordinary baby mobile.
  2. Go on a nature walk. Carry your baby and walk through the bush or local parkland, talking to your baby; naming animals and trees.
  3. Find a quiet place, sit and listen to the sounds in nature.
  4. Walk or put baby’s bare feet in the sand, wood chips and on the grass to explore the different textures under their feet.
  5. Allow your children to explore and experience leaves, sticks and grass with all their senses and yes, even their mouths!

    Mother Nature Bubs Playgroup
  6. Visit or make your own sensory garden. Touch, smell and taste various herbs like rosemary, basil, lavender.
  7. Collect and look at the different leaves, rocks and flowers.
  8. Throw pebbles into the pond.
  9. Finger paint with mud.
  10. Draw with sticks in the sand.
  11. Splash with bare feet in the lakes, streams, rock pools, puddles and waves.
  12. Beach combing; collect items on the beach after a stormy day.