Physical Health

Urban nature and physical activity: Investigating associations using self-reported and accelerometer data and the role of household income

Physical inactivity is a major public health concern. Natural, or semi-natural, environments may encourage physical activity, but the influences of socio-economic factors have been under-researched.

Urban nature and physical activity: Investigating associations using self-reported and accelerometer data and the role of household income Read More »

Father-child play: A systematic review of its frequency, characteristics and potential impact on children’s development

Highlights • Fathers spend a large proportion of their time with their children engaging in play. • This is often in the form of physical play such as rough and tumble. • Fathers’ play frequency increases from infancy and declines as children reach school age. • Early father-infant play is linked to positive social, emotional

Father-child play: A systematic review of its frequency, characteristics and potential impact on children’s development Read More »

Associations of extracurricular physical activity patterns and body composition components in a multi-ethnic population of UK children (the Size and Lung Function in Children study): a multilevel modelling analysis

Abstract: Background Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common outcome when assessing associations between childhood overweight and obesity and physical activity patterns. However, the fat and fat-free components of BMI, measured by the Fat Mass Index (FMI) and Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI), may show contrasting associations with physical activity, while ethnic groups may vary in both

Associations of extracurricular physical activity patterns and body composition components in a multi-ethnic population of UK children (the Size and Lung Function in Children study): a multilevel modelling analysis Read More »

Neighbourhoods for Active Kids: study protocol for a cross-sectional examination of neighbourhood features and children’s physical activity, active travel, independent mobility and body size

New Zealand children’s physical activity, including independent mobility and active travel, has declined markedly over recent decades. The Neighbourhoods for Active Kids (NfAK) study examines how neighbourhood built environments are associated with the independent mobility, active travel, physical activity and neighbourhood experiences of children aged 9–12 years in primary and intermediate schools across Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city.

Neighbourhoods for Active Kids: study protocol for a cross-sectional examination of neighbourhood features and children’s physical activity, active travel, independent mobility and body size Read More »

Measuring connectedness to nature in preschool children in an urban setting and its relation to psychological functioning

The urban environment has been criticized for promoting ‘nature-deficit’ and ‘child-nature disconnectedness’. Keeping in mind the importance of nature exposure and its extensive health benefits, many environmental programs around the world hope to (re)connect children with nature. To evaluate the effectiveness of such efforts, valid tools to measure Connectedness to Nature (CN) are needed but do not exist today, especially for use with pre-schoolers.

Measuring connectedness to nature in preschool children in an urban setting and its relation to psychological functioning Read More »